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... her great technical expertise in desktop publishing and graphic design combines with her facility with language, proficiency and mature perspective to invariably yield a high-quality product ... brings emotional intelligence, insight and problem-solving capabilities to projects and accurately interprets the intentions and requirements of clients ...
Therese O'Hara, Instructional Designer
... a highly-skilled desktop publisher with an eye for detail and precision ... her many years of experience has made her responsive to client needs ... when the pressure is on, Joy's enthusiasm and positive attitude are an asset ... she has an unrelenting commitment to quality and is a pleasure to work with.
Anita Leslie, Account Manager

Since 1989, Joy has successfully operated in the printing and publishing environment, consistently meeting client needs and supplying high quality print design. She is a collaborative team player, committed to the preparation of beautifully finished artwork. She has effective problem-solving skills, great technical expertise, proficiency in successful project management, a strong work ethic and a positive and friendly approach.

Joy's talents include designing layout styles for materials and working closely with authors and clients to achieve satisfaction. Working collaboratively with clients, she will create beautifully presented and tastefully designed finished artwork, ready to deliver to your printing house or publisher.